March 2022 –the PILS collects samples into liquid medium
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March 2022 –the PILS collects samples into liquid medium

Sample collection without detours – The PILS (Particle Into Liquid Sampler) from Brechtel brings samples directly into a liquid medium.

In some areas, it is necessary to dissolve collected samples and particles in a medium in order to then be able to make further examinations and analyses. This step takes time and work stages that the PILS (Model 4001) takes care of. PILS stands for Particle Into Liquid Sampler – it collects the samples and brings them directly into liquid phase without external intervention.

Possible areas of application

Possible areas in which particle collection in liquid can be beneficial are the investigation of indoor or ambient air. But this type of particle collection is also used in climate research. For example, it enables the collection of volatile compounds that cannot be collected on a filter.

Another area in which the compact device can be used is in the sampling of bacteria and viruses from aerosols. Other sampler might destroy or harm them. But as a result of sampling in (pure) water, bacteria and viruses remain undamaged and can be analysed or multiplied in the laboratory accordingly.

Extensions for the PILS

The particle collector can be extended by various systems. For example, it is possible to integrate a sample carousel that autonomously takes and stores up to 80 samples over a continuous period of time at individually adjustable intervals.

The PILS is suitable for combination with various analytical devices (e. g. ion chromatographs). It can also be combined with PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 pre-separators. Optionally, the installation of an upstream denuder is also possible.


Here you can find more information about the PILS and our other Brechtel products.

Do you have any questions or are you interested? Please do not hesitate to contact us!


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