May 2022 – 4th UFP Symposium
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May 2022 – 4th UFP Symposium

The 4th UFP Symposium will take place in September 2022 – ENVILYSE will be there!

The TU Berlin and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) are organising the 4th Symposium “Ultrafine Particles in Outdoor Air and Indoor Air”.

Sensitivity to the issue of (ultra)fine dust is steadily increasing. In the meantime, the consequences for climate and health are also known outside of scientific research. Nevertheless, there are still some gaps in knowledge that need to be filled, especially in the areas of formation and sources of ultra-fine dust.

In addition to various suppliers of particle measurement technology who will be on site as exhibitors, there will also be various presentations on the topic of UFP, including “Efficiency of air filters for UFP and viruses” and “UFP emissions from motor vehicles – measurement methods, results and uncertainties”.

The measuring devices that are able to measure these very ultrafine particles also play a special role.

We are looking forward to being an exhibitor at the 4th UFP Symposium and to being able to advise you personally!

An excerpt from our range:

ELPI®+ (Electrical Low Pressure Impactor) from Dekati™

(a)MCPC from Brechtel

AE33 Rußmonitor from Magee Scientific

Ambient Metal Monitor Xact® 625i from Cooper Environmental

• microAeth® MA-series (microAeth®MA200, microAeth®MA300 and microAeth®MA350) from Aethlabs

• Unsere Messgeräte von Aceom und Pegasor

Are you interested in our measuring instruments or do you have further questions? Please feel free to contact us!



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