Measurement method

In the picture, you see a possible measurement setup to analyze the emissions from biomass burning, using the Dekati® HT-ELPI®+. For small concentrations, this instrument allows the direct sampling and measurement of “hot” gases from the air exhaust duct – without an additional diluter.


More and more, the intended burning of biomass plays an important role in the discussion about alternative energy sources. However, biomass burning, as for instance in biomass power stations, contributes to (urban) aerosols, which may have negative effects on health and environment.

In order to analyze and classify the emissions of biomass burning, it is necessary to investigate the particle size distribution, concentration as well their chemical characteristics. For this purpose of research, we recommend our cascade impactors and particle monitors.

Links & Publications

Data sheet HT-ELPI®+L.S. Johansson et al.: Particle emissions from biomass combustion in small combustors (2003)

These instruments can be used for this application

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